Rainbows and Snowflakes

As we finished putting all of the lawn furniture away, soft, fluffy snow blessed our last task for the 2013 season.

IMG_1690rzMoments later, sunshine broke through and everything glistened.

IMG_1693It is difficult to describe how special this year has been for us here at The Rankin.  The cabins were booked for most of the season and our international guests were delightful!  They fell in love with our beautiful Yellowstone, The  Tetons and Mesa Falls.  Fishermen from Scotland were particularly delightful to visit with- Scottish brogue and fun stories sitting around the fire pit! FUN TIMES!

IMG_1476We have to share the “rainbow moment” with you in this post too!  So many storms passed through this summer ending with sudden bursts of sunshine.  One incredible rainbow arched  over our property. The color faded so quickly but we managed to capture this much of it!

A journey is a special thing and we are privileged to share in so many lives as people travel.  Offering a clean, comfortable place to rest is a pretty special thing to offer people  these days.  We’ve been at it since 1924!  The cabins are still here!

We look forward to our 90th year of hospitality in 2014!  Call us at (208) 232-8496 (our off-season phone numberor use our webpage contact form (rankinmotel.com) and let us know when you  need a great place to stay next summer!