Bike ON!

Yellowstone National Park and Grand Teton National Park are open to bicyclists to enjoy before they open for motorized vehicles April 15.  Snow geese are flying through our area as well. Camas Wildlife Refuge reports that Tundra and Trumpeter swans are resting on Big Pond.  There is an awesome article in the March 26 issues of the Standard Journal (our local newspaper), about all the bird activity they are seeing.

We’re gearing up (no pun intended!) as well.   We are planning to get rooms and cabins up and running mid-April and look forward to welcoming travelers as they visit our beautiful Ashton-Yellowstone-Teton area!

Many thanks to Fitzgerald’s Bicycles for the use of this beautiful photo from their blog site.  Their business is in Jackson Hole, WY .  Check out their web and blog site!